Sunday, March 8, 2009

RSS: Where Have You Been All My Life?

I read an article about RSS about five years ago that thoroughly confused me, and since then I have been intimidated by the whole business. So it was not until this assignment that I finally figured it out - simply by subscribing to a New York Times feed that looked interesting to me, clicking on the RSS (or XML?) button, and choosing Bloglines as the program I wanted the feeds to go to. Presto! I now can see all of the latest NYT travel stories on the same site where I receive other news feeds. WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME HOW EASY THIS WAS?

I now feel like I have been missing out all these years. Just think of all the cool information that could have been sent to me all this time. When will I learn to not let my feelings of being overwhelmed keep me from figuring out things?

If you will allow me to provide some honest feedback, the link you provided to an article about RSS did not turn on the lightbulb for me. It was written for the benefit of programmers. I needed something directed at lay people. You might consider adding an article next semester that explains how to subscribe to RSS feeds.

That said, I am grateful for your class, as it has forced me to learn how to use a good deal of tools I will need to know as a librarian - tools that will also enrich my personal/intellectual life. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. It's not difficult really all this stuff - I think the biggest barrier to cross is this notion that this stuff is not easily understandable. I'm glad you are enjoying these tools.
